3D Printed Nozzles

We recently became interested in using 3D printing to create new nozzle designs.  Supersonic expansions have been used for decades and it is widely recognized that the properties of the expansion are largely determined by the nozzle through which the expansion occurs.  While design optimization has been done, due to the expense and difficulty of machining nozzles, many researches simply use a nozzle that is “good enough”.  Now, with 3D printing technology, we are able to design, print, and test nozzle designs in a matter of hours for under 50 cents!  A summary of our initial efforts is described in our 2015 RSI paper , where we show an increase in the intensity of both monomer and complex signals with the use of our slit nozzle (https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.4922852)

3D Printed Nozzle Photos - Merged